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Author: Doli Stepniewski

Here’s a little trick to make a super-basic Gantt Chart / timeline graph using Google Sheets.

If it’s worth building once, it’s worth repeating, right? And if I’m going to repeat it, why not take the extra step and keep it DRY by creating a customizable plugin? Here is the making of the jQuery plugin: jtyper.
CSS positioning types always seemed straight forward to me. I thought that since I knew the dictionary definition of absolute, fixed, and relative that I knew how the respective CSS positioning types worked. Yet I continually ran into less than desirable and confusing results – especially when nesting elements within elements. Why? My assumptions about absolute were inaccurate.
Rushing a project is the easiest trap to fall into as a developer. Working fast is a must in today’s marketplace, however foregoing a plan and ignoring best practices will ultimately slow down a project and create more work later. So how does one balance best practices with rapid development? I think the answer is in the question: Balance.